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Breakthrough Sports Volleyball League

Breakthrough Sports is excited to offer a youth volleyball league in Mission Viejo.  We offer our league during the four major seasons including: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.  Our leagues are designed for players of ALL experience levels.  Find out why Breakthrough Sports is changing the landscape of youth volleyball!

Kids Volleyball Near Me


Breakthrough Sports brings more than twenty years of volleyball experience to create the most unique, enjoyable playing experience offered in Southern California.  Each participant receives:

Minimum of 8 games including an end of the season tournament

All teams to be coached by Breakthrough Sports professional coach

Weekly practices.  Each practice will last an hour with the first 30 minutes being ran by Breakthrough Sports coaches focusing on volleyball fundamentals; the final 30 minutes will be ran by the team coach (focusing on team elements)

High energy volleyball kickoff event to start the season

High quality jersey and trophy included

Much more! 

League Homepage

League Rules

League Schedule


Champ Baginski

Chief Marketing Officer

Phone: 818-471-2411

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Champ Baginski

Champ Baginski

Chief Marketing Officer